Ihre Session wurde beendet
Ihre Verbindung wurde beendet, da Sie über längere Zeit keine Eingabe gemacht haben. Alle temporären Dateien (Trefferlisten etc.) wurden gelöscht. Bitte starten Sie eine neue Datenbankabfrage.
Session Time-out
You have been exited from
your STAR Web session because your session has been inactive longer
than the period allotted to inactive users.
Ihre Session wurde beendet
Ihre Verbindung wurde beendet, da Sie über längere Zeit keine Eingabe gemacht haben. Alle temporären Dateien (Trefferlisten etc.) wurden gelöscht. Bitte starten Sie eine neue Datenbankabfrage.
Session Time-out
You have been exited from
your STAR Web session because your session has been inactive longer
than the period allotted to inactive users.
Your session has failed for unknown reasons.
A STAR database defined for use with this session cannot be found.
A STAR session could not be started. A STAR space or database may not be available online at the present time.
The STAR Web program has issued an invalid argument.
A STAR session could not be started. A
resource limit has been reached on the STAR host or an internal STAR
error has occurred.
A session could not be started.
Possible causes include: (1) The maximum number of simultaneous
sessions for this User ID are already in use. (2) The connection
information for this STAR Web Session is not defined properly.
Sie haben eine unbekannte Benutzerkennung oder ein ungültiges Passwort eingegeben.
A session could not be started.
All remaining licenses are reserved for users in other user groups.
Die Datenbanken sind zur Zeit nicht erreichbar.
The User ID entered does not have
permission to access this web session.
A database specified for this
session is defined to use a STAR connection that has not been defined
or that has been defined incorrectly.
All available STAR licenses are in use for this STAR host.
All available STAR Web session licenses are in use for this STAR host.
A Record Repeater starweb type is not defined
for the records in the report.
The specified report has not been defined or is
not included in the list of available reports.
The specified report cannot be displayed. Check
the STAR server log file (.serlog) for further information.
A communication error has occurred between STAR
Web and STAR Server.
STAR Web is unable to locate a specified object
(e.g., a database or WEBSERVER record). Check the STAR server
log file (.serlog) for further information.
Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Ihre Session wurde beendet.
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